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Reassembled Hemocyanin Type II

from the Horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus(n1_1NOL.pdb)

(Display produced using JSmol and HTML5. If you don't see a structure try a different browser.)

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JSmol Menu

spin on / spin off
View through chain A towards the origin. Copper atoms are white.
Spacefilling display.
Cut halfway through the protein to show the interior (best in conjunction with spacefilling). Can rotate while viewing.
Restore original view.

This protein shows no clear barrel structure but a tendency for helices and beta-sheets to point towards the origin.

There is a small central cavity artefact from displacement of the 148-156 loop by crystal contact.

For further information about this protein, see post of 15 June 2011 on

Or contact the author, Dr Don Vanselow at

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